Fenka Group

Fenka bv is an independent Branding Specialist based in Groningen with a global reach and focus.

With a proven track record and over 40 years of experience in the field of Branding, we are active in providing the best services and support to all its clients. We are convinced that quality is key and should reflect the brand image. Production procedures have been established to ensure quality standards. We love to work with you to develop branding with all the options available to give your brand the right DNA in different markets.

With our offices in Hong Kong, India, Portugal, Turkey, Bangladesh, The Netherlands, Pakistan, Vietnam en China we can globalize your branding.

View our website for an overview of the sectors in which we can fulfill your branding needs.

Fenka is formed by a team with a no-nonsense attitude, a customer-oriented approach and a strong focus on service. For us, the customer always comes first, without losing sight of the quality of our services. We take work off your hands and we like to make it easy for you. We think in solutions.

Fenka bv

Discover the company that specializes in revealing your true colors by generating corporate brand labels.

When properly attached and combined, they will mark and justify the brand's origins, owners, authenticity and destiny.

@Fenka we create and produce all the necessary items to identify your brand. We design, create, rethink and produce on all necessary materials.

We are proud of our long-term customer relationships and all our various co-creative projects. They prove us right in our belief that being part of the brand is the only justified way to label a brand.